Free property valuation in 3 minutes

15,000 valuations per year
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Valuate apartmentValuate apartment


The ImmoScout24 property valuation is completely free.



You will receive your property valuation by email after just 3 minutes.



Our property valuation is based on a model provided by IAZI. It considers about 80% of all property sales in Switzerland.

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Have your property valued in only 3 minutes


Enter your information

It's easy: you only need basic information such as the address, the living space, the number of rooms, the year of construction and possibly the year of the last renovation of your property.


Market price calculation

We estimate the market value of your property within three minutes. Don't be fooled by the speed: more than 70 factors are included in the background. The database is updated quarterly to reflect the latest market trends and developments.


You will receive the result by email

We will send you a sound valuation of your property free of charge. It has never been easier to have your property valued. Now you can start planning the sale or renting of your property.

What is the use of a property valuation?

The valuation of a property provides you with a sound estimate of its market value. The valuation is of great benefit if you are considering selling your property, buying a new one or simply tracking the value of your property. It helps you to set an optimal selling price and provides a reliable basis for sales negotiations.

factors influencing market valuefactors influencing market value

Explore the Swiss real estate market

The real estate prices map shows you the median of recent asking prices in your search area as well as the price trends over the last few years.

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Real estate prices map of SwitzerlandPrice trends
of real estate in SwitzerlandPrice trends
of real estate in Switzerland

Frequently asked questions about property valuation

The valuation of a property provides you with a sound estimate of its market value. The valuation is of great benefit if you are considering selling your property, buying a new one or simply tracking the value of your property. It helps you to set an optimal selling price and provides a reliable basis for sales negotiations.
The value of your property is determined by several factors, including location, condition, year of construction, size and fixtures and fittings. ImmoScout24 offers you an expert valuation that takes all these aspects into account to give you a precise valuation of your property.
At ImmoScout24, your first property valuation is completely free. We provide you with a market value assessment that is both free and non-binding.
Our free valuation provides you with a price range to give you an initial impression of the market value of your property. For a more detailed valuation, we recommend our advanced online valuation, where you can provide additional details about your property to get an accurate valuation that is also recognised by banks.
Your home will be valued by our model, which draws on years of experience and extensive expertise in the real estate industry. It uses up-to-date market data and comparisons to provide an accurate and fair valuation of your property.
A property valuation is always essential if you are planning to sell or buy your property, or if you need an up-to-date valuation. It serves as a reliable basis for negotiations and helps you to achieve the best selling price.
The main factors are the location, such as proximity to public transportation, educational institutions, healthcare and shopping facilities. The condition of your home (e.g. when it was last renovated, building substance, energy efficiency, etc.), as well as the fit-out standard and interior design are also decisive factors. As some of these factors can change over time, it is worth having a free valuation carried out regularly on ImmoScout24.
15,000 valuations per year

Have your property valued in 3 minutes for free

Thanks to the use of the largest database and 20 years of experience, you will receive a viable estimate of your property.

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